“This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity and a call to action to fix how we fund schools.”

Senate Majority Leader Bob Duff, April 12, 2017

"The time for bold action to address the issues of equitability and equitable funding of our education system is now."

— Governor Dan Malloy, February 6, 2017

Former Senate Minority Leader John McKinney, March 16, 2017

"There probably isn't a more important issue if we are prioritizing than educating our children. It's a civil right that every kid needs to get a quality education so that they can then go forward." 

Former Senate Minority Leader John McKinney, March 13, 2017

"A right to education is not a federal constitutional right, but it is a state constitutional right." 

— Senate Republican President Pro Tempore Len Fasano, January 8, 2017

More education spending translates into improved outcomes.

In districts that substantially increased their spending as the result of court-ordered changes in school finance, low-income children were significantly more likely to graduate from high school, earn livable wages, and avoid poverty in adulthood.

— National Bureau of Economic Research, May 2014